OSINT blog: Reunion in Scotland

The Beer Farmers recently issued a geo-location OSINT challenge with a mystery prize for the first person to find them. Under time pressure, I put my OSINT skills to the test to see how difficult it would be to find them. Some Saturday fun. Where are @SeanWrightSec and @AppSecBloke in this photo? First to get it right wins something. @netsecfocus knows what it's like to win a prize from us. #HereForYou pic.twitter.com/L5HiKGAF8X — The Beer Farmers (@TheBeerFarmers) September 11, 2021 I examined the image closely, looking for any clues. The first thing I think everyone would have immediately noticed was the large greek-style columns behind Mike and Sean. These would come in handy later when roaming the streets on Google Maps. The second thing I noticed was a backwards JD Sports logo (a highstreet clothing brand in the UK). Therefore, I realised the image was flipped horizontally, so I flipped it back: The task was then to locate which JD Sports this was goin...