Summer of Scammers: PancakeSwap cryptocurrency thieves

Cryptocurrency is experiencing a huge boom. With this explosion in popularity, and people getting rich quick, come the cybercriminals looking to exploit this new technology. Unfortunately, while there may be a large amount of money to be made from cryptocurrecny there are very little controls or regulations preventing scams. Unlike other centralised financial services, such as banks, cryptocurrency users are only as protected as their own personal operational security (OPSEC). While there are long guides on OPSEC for cryptocurrency users, many new users are lacking here and do not use a strong password or two-factor authentication (2FA). This makes them sitting ducks for cybercriminals. This blog will detail how users of a relatively new platform, PancakeSwap, are being highly targeted. In their own words "PancakeSwap is the leading decentralized exchange on Binance Smart Chain, with the highest trading volumes in the market". Despite its comical name, PancakeSwap is ...